Friday, March 6, 2015

When Time Won't Pass

Two years ago was the worst day of my life. Two years ago my entire world turned upside down. And I still haven't recovered. I don't know if I ever will. The proper grieving process that should be done isn't. I'm afraid if I open that flood gate I won't be able to close it again. So for the last two years and who knows how many to come, I have put bandaid after bandaid over my shattered heart. 

The littlest, stupidest things bring me to tears.

Little old ladies with their hair up in curlers. A memory comes of total embarrassment at a young age walking with my Grandma in a store and her hair all rolled up, tied off with a red bandana. I don't know why it bothered me so bad but it did.

Chocolate pudding. Every time I see it I can hear her scoffing at me for refusing to taste her homemade pudding. I was/am the pickiest eater and it drove her up the wall. I would sit at the counter with my arms crossed, facing her. Her arms would be crossed as well and a stubbornness war would start. "Try it" "No" this would go on until something had caught my eye and when I looked back at her she had done her magical 'place the food in front of you without you even noticing and she's right back where she was as if she hadn't moved at all'. Every. time.

Smells, colors, food, places, music, movies, so many things take me back to a time with my Grandma.

I think the worst one is my penguin blanket.

My Grandma made quilts for every new born baby. Not just for our family, but for friends, people in the ward, whoever. It didn't matter. She loved making those little pink and blue quilts.
I'll never forget one Sunday dinner when Mom and I got there early to help with the food (like always) and Grandma was waiting at the door. She took me by the hand and led me to the back bedroom where she would keep the quilts she was working on. On the bed was a cute little penguin quilt. Of course I liked it and I went to inspect the work she had done. What a perfectionist she was with her quilts, they were always beautiful. She asked if I liked it and when I told her I did she got quiet. Strange, so I looked at her to find that her demeanor had changed. "It's for you, when you have a little boy. I'll make one for a girl too". Excuse me?? I was livid. Blood boiled under my skin. She was being ridiculous. How could she even think like that?! I was nowhere near getting married, let alone having a baby. When I was at that chapter THEN I would need the quilt. Not now. After my temper calmed down and I saw how sad she was we compromised. We decided to add to the quilt, make it larger so I could sleep with it at night and when I had kids in the long away future then she could make me another quilt.
But she was right. Dammit if she wasn't always right. She's not here anymore to make a little teddy bear quilt for my baby. I kind of hate all my cousins for this. They have a quilt for every single child. Neighbors and friends too. They don't even know the treasures they hold. All I have is a penguin quilt that makes me cry when I wrap up in it on a cold night.

This photo has recently made its appearance. My mom laughed the moment she saw it. "If there was ever any doubt that you are her granddaughter..." That was all she could say. Let me explain. I have never seen this photo, nor has it been discussed with me. But I know, with out a doubt the conversation that was held just before the photo was taken. My Grandpa, most handsome man in town, was tired from the hike (and maybe the company *wink wink*) sat down and turned to my Grandma, "Jean, would you please just sit down on the bench?!" And I know she looked at him in the eye and plopped down beside him. On the ground. Pure defiance. Pure stubbornness. I know my Grandma loved him more than anything. She proved it time and time again. But when it was challenged with her stubbornness...

I miss her. I miss the random conversations we had. I miss holding her hand while we walked around. I miss the battles of stubbornness we would have. I miss the constant old time music she would play. I miss her laugh. I miss her hugs more than anything. I miss how when I was ignoring her for a book or music and she would hit me in the ribcage, leaving a small bruise, and continue on with her story. I miss the little things that would drive me insane, like her reading every single sign on the freeway as we drove to salt lake, or how she would wear the same shirt for a week because she could, or how she had to put her hair up in curlers and a red bandana before going to Walmart. I miss her cooking. The cakes and ice cream for every occasion. I miss going to every play or musical or ballet in the state of Utah. It never mattered where we were going, Grandma made every last trip an adventure.

This was her favorite time of year. Every day she would walk around the house to see what little buds were poking out of the ground, or pull the leafs off of the growing tulips. She knew every plant on every square inch of her property. Only a few more weeks until she could work all day long in the garden.

Only a few more weeks until she would be calling me first thing in the morning to tell me happy birthday and ask where are we going for the day, because it was my day. Because of everything on this earth, the only weakness in our stubbornness was each other.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Don't Stop Believing

It's that time of year again when happiness is in the air and you can feel the love being shared between family and friends. 
But this season always brings me a little bit of sadness as well. You see, I've had multiple discussions with those close to me through out the years and they all result in the same thing. Me being made fun of by none believers. Here I am, blogging my beliefs so we can get over this once and for all. 

I, Rebecca Ann, here at the age of 23 years old, still believes in Santa. 

And no, I don't just believe in the 'idea' of Santa. I believe he is real. I know he lives in the North Pole with cute little elves that work year round for a single, precious night. And by the power of magic he is able to reach house after house to deliver these gifts to all the starry eyed children that still believe. Also that Mrs. Claus makes the best sugar cookies and hot cocoa. 

Now, I'm not stupid. I know that my mom will slip a few presents under the tree for me, just as I do for her. 
And no, I don't get gifts from Santa anymore because I believe that I've come to the age of understanding that Christmas isn't just about the presents, or the awesome food, or whatever. It's about coming together to be a family. It's about helping those in need. And about sharing love between everyone we meet. 

I will admit that I don't know how Santa does it all. How he can go to so many houses across the earth, or how no one has been able to find his workshop. But I also don't know how come I love eating pizza and ice cream so much when all it does is make me fat. 

This does make me a little sad though when I have these talks with loved ones for many reasons. The fact that in my mind, they have lost the magic is heartbreaking. Just like Peter Pan in Hook had stopped believing. Same thing. I feel like Tinkerbelle trying to get my friends to just clap their hands for goodness sake. And I also feel like they're missing out on something truly incredible. Christmas is so much better when you have been wondering what Santa is up to and what the reindeer are eating for their big night, and the big question, do the elves ever sleep?? 

My opinion, don't be like Peter at the dinner table watching everyone eat air out of wood bowls. Close your eyes, hold your breath, and maybe just maybe, you'll hear Santa's sleigh bells 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Saying Hello

The time has finally come. I'm actually moving out of Alpine! I've lived here for an unbelievably three long years and now I'm gone. I sat in my church building last Sunday looking around, thinking of all the laughs I've had in this ward, all the tears shed, all the friends that have become my family. The little girl that moved into this tiny apartment never could have dreamed of becoming this.

Over the three years there have been two cars, ten roommates, blown up grapes, lots of sleepovers, a few makeovers, bacon that was set 'almost' on fire, family that was lost, friends that were made, countless all nighters, Disney marathons, buckets of ice cream, dance parties, and roughly a billion lost bobby pins.

Nervous is a polite way of describing my feelings about this new adventure. A new career in hand, a new roof, and a sorta new car makes me a little uneasy but also incredibly excited about tomorrow!

With how I was raised, I refuse to say goodbye. It's too permanent. If someone is in my life, no matter the amount of time, I carry them with me for forever. The thought of never seeing someone again, of never hearing their laugh is unbearable. Even for this stupid apartment that I've lived in for too long, I won't say goodbye. I'll say hello to tomorrow and the happiness that awaits us all instead.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dealing with Trials

There's that saying that goes...
A gem cannot be polished without friction,
nor a man perfected without trials.
-Lucious Seneca
Well then, I better be the flippin' diamond on some famous celebrity's hand after this life. 
Now don't misunderstand me here.  I realize that everyone has their own story of heartaches and tears.  Sometimes I just feel like my trials are on steroids.  And it's times like these that I realize just how much words can hurt or help.  For example
Trial #1
Mom called me telling me it was time to go home to Payson to say farewell to my beloved Aunt.  This call hit me harder than I ever thought it would. In a panic I ran out the door with memories flashing through my mind of Myrl, her laughter, her grape juice, her sass, just everything. I then found out that as much as you stare at your car, your keys will not magically appear in your hand.  While I waited for a friend to help me out and unlock my door so I could retrieve my keys, I felt like I was losing my mind.  Time felt like molasses in the dead of winter. I was going crazy. 
Finally he came with the magical key and I was on my way home.
Trial #2
I drove to Payson.  I wasn't really crying, maybe a tear here and there but for the most part I was good.  I was just preparing to see my family.  I didn't know what to say.  All I could think was Just a few more blocks, you're almost there... and crunch.  Ok, more like BOOM!!
I pulled over on the side of the road and cried.  My brand new baby. My Watson.  The car I bought all by myself less than a month ago was...hurt...  I could see in the rear view mirror my bumper in the middle of the road.  A little old man walking toward me trying to ask if I was ok.  All I knew was my head hurt. My shoulder hurt.  I wanted to die. I hate Minnesota.  Yep, that pretty much sums up my thought process. 
I have never in my life been so rude to a stranger...
Even though it was all I could do to keep myself together it's still no excuse.
Although I didn't lose sleep over it.  After today I just might though.  I realized just how powerful words can be.
Last night my two beautiful roommates and two of my best friends were at my side.  Words were said that were like bandaids on my broken heart.  The hugs and love I felt from them were the best and exactly what I needed. 
I felt so hurt last night, like God was just picking on me for no reason.  So many of my loved ones have been taken from me recently.  And the ones not so loved aren't really helping the situation.  Also, really? My car? What did my car have to do with anything? He isn't even a month old...

My friends told me they loved me
My roommate called my Rocky
My cousin said "Cars can be replaced, Beccas cannot"
My favorite aunt just hugged me
Things were starting to feel OK

Now it's time to deal with these trials.
Now I have to be strong when friends tease me about the accident, or locking my keys in my room.  I feel so vulnerable and it's time to realize that no one really knows what happens behind closed doors.  Now I need to remember that teasing really isn't nice and does nothing to help the other person.  Kind words are the best words.
For example
When I got to work this morning my boss asked me what happened (she saw the photo on facebook) and I just started to cry. I was hurting all over, hadn't slept, or ate, and she just hugged me.  She also made everyone be nice to me too, which was a great bonus!
#2 Trina got me flowers, Savannah got me ice cream and a beautiful card.  Those girls know me so well
#3 My Mom texted me and just said, "Love you sweetheart"
#4 Friends texted just to check in and make sure I was ok
#5 Parker said "love you cuz" It's always so nice to have family, even when you don't see each other all the time, remind you that they care

I will never know what's really going on in my friends and family's lives but after today, after seeing such drastic reactions, I don't ever want to be pain in anyone's life.  I want to be the bandaid.  I want to be the kind words that are needed. I want to be the hug that holds them together.  The world is hard enough as it is, trials don't make it any better.  But if we remember that once upon a time and some day after the happily ever after and every day in between, we are all brothers and sisters. 

My new goal, just be nice to everyone.
Anyone want to join me?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

When Time Changes Everything

A week and a year ago is when everything changed.
For the better or the worse I've yet to fully decide.
Somehow I do find peace in the fact that I was one of the last members of the family to speak with my Grandma that day. When I held her hand and promised her everything was going be ok little did I know that in an hour I would be begging for that same confidence.
In that time, my idea of family changed.
The goals I had for myself changed.
My purpose changed.
My life changed.
I changed.

The woman who was my rock and foundation had returned home and somehow my Mom, Aunt, and I were left with a mess that we are still, to this day trying to figure out.  Sunday Dinners won't ever be the same, neither will trips to Zion Canyon, or any holiday for that matter.

In the past year we have created new traditions, built our family back in the best ways possible, and in my own opinion, began the road to discovering the best parts of ourselves.

In this past year I have:

  • Made a quilt.  All by myself. Half by hand, half by machine.  All of it put together on Her quilting frames.
  • Balanced callings in the Church that I know I never did alone because She always stood beside me.
  • Faced trials that should have broken me but She helped pick me up every time.
  • Hiked Timpanogos Mountain. 1 down, 16 more times to go... 

I don't know if I will ever fully understand God's purpose, or why and when and how he does things but in this past year I'm learning to accept that if it's what He wants then I want it too.

Sometimes I still get mad at her for leaving me like this though.  But after spending the evening at Timp Temple with my best friend, knowing that the names we are doing the work for means that some how, some way, those people get to be with their family once again and for all eternity .  Just like when the time comes that my family will be united once again and have peace.

Time really does change everything.
Slowly, I'm starting to like the change I'm seeing in myself, friends and family.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Did You Know That I Love You?

Have you ever wanted to tell a certain someone just how much you love them?
Have you ever taken a moment to think and realize that everything could change with the morning light? 
Life changes in the blink of an eye. 
What if you never said the words that are written every where but not on the hearts of those that need to hear it? 
Are you holding words back in fear of the consequences? 
I have piles of letters that are full of words I never said. If I could go back I would do whatever it took to say everything in my heart. 
I would tell my best friends not to move for I would miss them so much... I would tell my Grandpa that I love him... 
Hold my cousins tight and sing a Justin Bieber song with them... 
 I would tell my Grandma that I'm sorry... 
Tell my friends just how much they mean to me... 
So many "I love you"'s 
 Too many, "I'm sorry"'s... 
 But I can't... 
Most of those who I would tell the secrets of my heart are no longer in my life. I can't change the past. I can't raise the dead. I can't unburn bridges. 
 Now I try harder... I tell my roommates that I love them every day because let's face it, I do. I can't imagine better friends than these girls I live with. 
I remind my Mom how much I care. No one else on earth can put up with me like she can and still love me at the end of the day. 
 Life can beat us down. Trials can make us feel alone. 
So why do we hold back words that could most likely help ourselves and the other person? I would give the world to call up my cousin to talk about boys, or school, or just whatever and end up laughing about it all. But those bridges are burned beyond recovery. 
 What I wouldn't give to hug my Grandparents again. But their time here is finished. 
And my childhood friends have moved and I have no way of talking or even finding some of them. 
 I don't want this for my future. 
I don't know what our world will be like come morning so just in case I don't get to see you please don't forget: 
I love you 
I think of you constantly 
You're always in my prayers 
You mean more to me than you will ever know 
I am who I am today because of your life and your example 
So thank you

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


It's funny actually, when I started to write this post I ended up having a conversation with my roommate about this exact thing before she even knew about my blog idea.  It was a strange topic between and extrovert and an introvert.  It was difficult for me to explain how I can't party every night, or the fact that being alone on a Friday night really isn't all that bad.  Introversion really is an odd thing when you live with three extroverts.  I'm just thankful that they try to understand my way of life and more importantly, they let me live it without trying to make me change.  I found this list of myths about introverts and I thought I would add in my point of view along with it.
First off, many people think that being an introvert means you don't like to talk.  So unbelievably false. I love talking.  But here's the trick, I have to be interested in the subject.  If you want to talk about soccer or hiking, sit down.  Wanna talk about golf? Cool, go find someone else to talk with.
Also, like #3 says, I don't beat around the bush.  Of which I know I have offended some but that was never my intention.  I just like to get to the point. And maybe I'm a little too blunt at times.
Myth #2.  Shyness.  For me this is kinda iffy. I can be shy around new people or in new places.  By the time we're friends and you see how loud I can be you'll begin to wonder where Shy Becca went and if she's coming back any time soon.  But really, I wish everyone would read and act on the last part of the paragraph.  It's so nice when people just start talking because you'll be waiting years if you think I'll start the conversation.  
Alrighty, #4.  This is kinda true.  I don't like crowds.  Nope, not gonna do it.  If you're having a party with 20+ people, cool, have fun.  I'll be home reading.  No offense to you or your friends but I physically can't handle it.  If you see me at a party just realize some one bribed me to be there and I'll be leaving soon.
Ok we kinda got into #5 already.  The whole thing about recharging is key.  I rarely go out the day after a party with friends.  It's so odd, even to me, but I am just spent and need time to get my mind back in order.  This is another thing I talked about with my roommate.  I don't know if this is a normal thing for introverts but my mind is always running, I'm always thinking.  I have 4 different journals just to keep my mind straight.  I can't keep everything in just one notebook.
YAY! #6 is a great one.  I enjoy 'Quiet Becca Time' but I get super lonely.  After three days or so I need a friend to call or something to do with a roommate.  One catch, if I'm dealing with a problem good luck getting me to do anything until I've solved that problem.
If you know me at all you know enough about Myth #7.  I follow no crowd.  Unless we're fighting zombies but that's a whole other blog post.  I prefer to be different, not necessarily stand out, (by all means, PLEASE don't single me out) but different is good for me. 
Hello, Myth #8 and goodbye world.  My mind can be so much more entertaining then your story about some chick you met at the gym.  Also, I get distracted by others.  If we're having a deep conversation but I keep watching people walk around or I'm looking at other objects in the room I promise I really am listening.  I'm just weird and need to study my environment too...
Myth #9 = LIES! I am Queen at relaxing.  If your idea of relaxing is clubbing then we'll hang out later when all your energy is gone.  My friends that get me out to parties can testify to the fact that I shut down.  It's not a choice.  I don't decide to sit in a corner and not participate.  Some times I really wish that I could get up and party with everyone else.  I'm jealous of those social butterflies that have a million and two friends, those girls that can go up to a cute guy and walk away with a date.  In the meantime I'll just sit on the couch, day dreaming and hoping that some how, in some way the guy I like will figure out that I like him and ask me out on a date.
Number 10.  It cuts deep when people tell me to change.  Whether it's how I look at things, act around people or whatever.  It hurts. This is who I am.  I'm a little awkward, kinda nerdy, and really quiet.  But I promise you if we hang out with some (key: not a lot) of people and give me time you just might be able to call an introvert your friend.

A quote from the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain said, "As with other complementary parings - masculinity and femininity, East and West, liberal and conservative - humanity would be unrecognizable, and vastly diminished, without both personality styles."
So there ya go extroverts, it takes two to tango.
Haha but really, it's a great book and everyone should read it!  Maybe you'll learn a thing or two that you wouldn't have learned in your math 1010.