Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cleaning Checks

It's funny how cleaning checks can be so dreaded.  You come home from school to see that white paper taped to the door and before you know it you're groaning in pain.  You start to drag your feet across the floor.  The backpack you carry seemed to gain 30 more lbs in mere seconds and your head feels too heavy to even lift up. You're half tempted to just throw your keys down the hall and run away screaming.  It's so difficult to be told that you have to clean up after your self when you have just been hiding everything under your bed and then have someone come in to tell you if you did a good enough job.  It sucks. 
Oh wait.
I love cleaning!  I love the feeling that everything is it in it's rightful place.  The feeling of peace of walking into my room after a long day at school and I can just crash on my bed for an hour until it's time to do homework or run errands or whatever.  It's really nice.
I realized something this morning while I was making my bed.  We have cleaning checks once a month to make sure everything it working properly and just because it's healthy, we tend to slack in college because other things take precedence, like sleep.  Is this true in a metaphoric sense as well? 
As much as it hurts me to admit, I am not perfect.  There are subjects I need to improve and I have good habits that I have been slacking on.  But please, let's keep that as a secret between you and me.  I don't want my minions to get any ideas.
For example, I used to be so good at running. I loved running! I could run for miles and miles.  Now I run probably two times a week and it kills every time.  I need to find a time every other day to run...Ugh, I can already feel the muscles in my legs starting to hurt...
Scripture Study.  I have always struggled with this.  When I read, I can read for hours.  I don't know why but I love reading the scriptures.  But I always forget.  I will be sitting in class when I remember that I didn't read this morning....or last night...or the day before...So I tell myself that I'll read the moment I get home.  When I finally get home I have forgotten because the only thing I want to do is eat food and take a nap before I have to write that eight page paper that's due on Monday. And study for the quiz on Tuesday.  And write that other paper due Wednesday.
Complimenting people is a random one I need to work on.  I love it when I'm walking to class and some random person will walk up to me just to say they like my shoes, or they think my backpack is cool or whatever.  It always makes me smile.  Whenever I'm in public I always see a couple of people and think to myself, "Goodness, I love her skirt!" or "He has the coolest long board I've ever seen!" but I never have the guts to go up and tell them that.  It makes my day every time I get a random compliment, I need to share my random compliments with others as well.
Maybe I should start to make a list for every month just to make sure I'm keeping up on things that I should probably be doing every day.
Oh the many joys of cleaning checks!

1 comment:

  1. I liked the metaphor and the idea of a "personal cleaning check". And I also feel like I should compliment people randomly more often, thus, awesome post!!!!
