Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Every one struggles, every one has trials.  Some times it feels as if we are never able to catch a breath.  It is truly amazing that there are what, 7 billion?, people on this Earth and we all need different ways of coping. This is my way of coping, by sharing how I live my life, how I survive college and search for the true meanings in life, and hopefully someone out there can relate and can find a moment of relief from this crazy world within this haphazard blog.

My name is Becca. I am currently attending college at Utah Valley University studying Exercise Science with a minor in Psychology.  Similar to pretty much every one here in Provo, Ut, I consider myself a 'Starving Student'.  For those of you who do not know what that means it is pretty simple, we are students that never turn down food because we are poor.  Like dirt floor poor.  Or we at least just like to eat a lot... Either way, if food is present you can count on a lot of college students showing up at your door.

News Flash: The economy sucks. I bet you didn't know that, did you?  Granted, there are some folk that aren't struggling at all, that live in their happy little mansions made with gold.  I would like to take a moment and say to those people, you're great, but for this post feel free to sit down and let those of us who live on coupons have a moment of our own. Thanks :)

Yes, I am one of those coupon girls but don't worry, I'm not like those crazies at Walmart with a 102 coupons.  Well, not yet at least. 

I won't lie, it's so difficult sometimes being in college.  We are told these are the best years of our lives.  Say what?  Living on Ramen noodles and 8 hours of sleep a week are as good as I'm ever gonna get??  I sure hope not. 

I remember back in high school day dreaming of living on my own, working, going to school and partying all the time.  I remember planning all the awesome meals I would make, how I would decorate my apartment, the parties I would have.  Man, who knew it wasn't all cheesecake and plum fairies?  I actually have to work. Eww.  And learn to like the store brand over the more expensive box of Gold Fish. 

As if you couldn't tell already, this post is about saving money when it comes to groceries.  I am very proud to say that I just got home from Winco where I spent less that $25 for food for the next 3 weeks!  Yes, you may applaud now.

But for reals, this has taken much practice.  Learning to cut portion sizes was hard enough, but now to eat dinner out of a box when I am so used to home cooked meals with rolls, salads, and of course, deserts. 

Did you know you can buy a box of Pasta Roni for 80 cents.  That's two meals right there!!  Lunch and dinner and BAM! You just saved a couple of bucks on a meal!

But why you may ask?  To be honest, there are a lot of reasons.  Learning to live on a budget is great for the future.  Who knows what gas will cost in 10 years let alone tomorrow! 

Also, you become very appreciative of those nice meals you get every now and then when you go home.  I bet you never really thanked your mom for cooking dinner as a kid until you grew up, moved out, and realized just how hard it is to cook 3 meals a day.  Especially when your roommate used the last of the eggs and you were hoping to make cupcakes for that new guy in the complex. Guess that plan has to wait until next week...


  1. Loved it! Is this your first blog? I just started one and I'm following you now so follow me!

  2. love it becca... so true... i remember the end of the month with no money on the mission... it was living on whatever was in the cupboards. :) don't worry though, it does get better I'm sure... our parents didn't raise us on ramen did they? (well i might have raised myself on it if i had the choice but whatever....)
    check out my blog to! minusthemask.blogspot.com
