Tuesday, September 24, 2013


It's funny actually, when I started to write this post I ended up having a conversation with my roommate about this exact thing before she even knew about my blog idea.  It was a strange topic between and extrovert and an introvert.  It was difficult for me to explain how I can't party every night, or the fact that being alone on a Friday night really isn't all that bad.  Introversion really is an odd thing when you live with three extroverts.  I'm just thankful that they try to understand my way of life and more importantly, they let me live it without trying to make me change.  I found this list of myths about introverts and I thought I would add in my point of view along with it.
First off, many people think that being an introvert means you don't like to talk.  So unbelievably false. I love talking.  But here's the trick, I have to be interested in the subject.  If you want to talk about soccer or hiking, sit down.  Wanna talk about golf? Cool, go find someone else to talk with.
Also, like #3 says, I don't beat around the bush.  Of which I know I have offended some but that was never my intention.  I just like to get to the point. And maybe I'm a little too blunt at times.
Myth #2.  Shyness.  For me this is kinda iffy. I can be shy around new people or in new places.  By the time we're friends and you see how loud I can be you'll begin to wonder where Shy Becca went and if she's coming back any time soon.  But really, I wish everyone would read and act on the last part of the paragraph.  It's so nice when people just start talking because you'll be waiting years if you think I'll start the conversation.  
Alrighty, #4.  This is kinda true.  I don't like crowds.  Nope, not gonna do it.  If you're having a party with 20+ people, cool, have fun.  I'll be home reading.  No offense to you or your friends but I physically can't handle it.  If you see me at a party just realize some one bribed me to be there and I'll be leaving soon.
Ok we kinda got into #5 already.  The whole thing about recharging is key.  I rarely go out the day after a party with friends.  It's so odd, even to me, but I am just spent and need time to get my mind back in order.  This is another thing I talked about with my roommate.  I don't know if this is a normal thing for introverts but my mind is always running, I'm always thinking.  I have 4 different journals just to keep my mind straight.  I can't keep everything in just one notebook.
YAY! #6 is a great one.  I enjoy 'Quiet Becca Time' but I get super lonely.  After three days or so I need a friend to call or something to do with a roommate.  One catch, if I'm dealing with a problem good luck getting me to do anything until I've solved that problem.
If you know me at all you know enough about Myth #7.  I follow no crowd.  Unless we're fighting zombies but that's a whole other blog post.  I prefer to be different, not necessarily stand out, (by all means, PLEASE don't single me out) but different is good for me. 
Hello, Myth #8 and goodbye world.  My mind can be so much more entertaining then your story about some chick you met at the gym.  Also, I get distracted by others.  If we're having a deep conversation but I keep watching people walk around or I'm looking at other objects in the room I promise I really am listening.  I'm just weird and need to study my environment too...
Myth #9 = LIES! I am Queen at relaxing.  If your idea of relaxing is clubbing then we'll hang out later when all your energy is gone.  My friends that get me out to parties can testify to the fact that I shut down.  It's not a choice.  I don't decide to sit in a corner and not participate.  Some times I really wish that I could get up and party with everyone else.  I'm jealous of those social butterflies that have a million and two friends, those girls that can go up to a cute guy and walk away with a date.  In the meantime I'll just sit on the couch, day dreaming and hoping that some how, in some way the guy I like will figure out that I like him and ask me out on a date.
Number 10.  It cuts deep when people tell me to change.  Whether it's how I look at things, act around people or whatever.  It hurts. This is who I am.  I'm a little awkward, kinda nerdy, and really quiet.  But I promise you if we hang out with some (key: not a lot) of people and give me time you just might be able to call an introvert your friend.

A quote from the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain said, "As with other complementary parings - masculinity and femininity, East and West, liberal and conservative - humanity would be unrecognizable, and vastly diminished, without both personality styles."
So there ya go extroverts, it takes two to tango.
Haha but really, it's a great book and everyone should read it!  Maybe you'll learn a thing or two that you wouldn't have learned in your math 1010.

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