Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Did You Know That I Love You?

Have you ever wanted to tell a certain someone just how much you love them?
Have you ever taken a moment to think and realize that everything could change with the morning light? 
Life changes in the blink of an eye. 
What if you never said the words that are written every where but not on the hearts of those that need to hear it? 
Are you holding words back in fear of the consequences? 
I have piles of letters that are full of words I never said. If I could go back I would do whatever it took to say everything in my heart. 
I would tell my best friends not to move for I would miss them so much... I would tell my Grandpa that I love him... 
Hold my cousins tight and sing a Justin Bieber song with them... 
 I would tell my Grandma that I'm sorry... 
Tell my friends just how much they mean to me... 
So many "I love you"'s 
 Too many, "I'm sorry"'s... 
 But I can't... 
Most of those who I would tell the secrets of my heart are no longer in my life. I can't change the past. I can't raise the dead. I can't unburn bridges. 
 Now I try harder... I tell my roommates that I love them every day because let's face it, I do. I can't imagine better friends than these girls I live with. 
I remind my Mom how much I care. No one else on earth can put up with me like she can and still love me at the end of the day. 
 Life can beat us down. Trials can make us feel alone. 
So why do we hold back words that could most likely help ourselves and the other person? I would give the world to call up my cousin to talk about boys, or school, or just whatever and end up laughing about it all. But those bridges are burned beyond recovery. 
 What I wouldn't give to hug my Grandparents again. But their time here is finished. 
And my childhood friends have moved and I have no way of talking or even finding some of them. 
 I don't want this for my future. 
I don't know what our world will be like come morning so just in case I don't get to see you please don't forget: 
I love you 
I think of you constantly 
You're always in my prayers 
You mean more to me than you will ever know 
I am who I am today because of your life and your example 
So thank you


  1. You are one special young lady. We miss you and wish you only the best of what life has to offer. Stay strong Pray often and God will guide you on the path that was meant for you.
    Love you girl, Vickie & Cal.

  2. Becca that was beautiful. I feel for you and know exactly what you mean. I also agree with what Vickie and Cal wrote. You are filled with a lot more love than you realize. Even if you haven't been able to say it as often as you would like to others. I know they can feel it. And oftentimes actions speak louder than words.
    Thanks for always inspiring me to be better. You are one impressive girl.
