Sunday, August 17, 2014

Saying Hello

The time has finally come. I'm actually moving out of Alpine! I've lived here for an unbelievably three long years and now I'm gone. I sat in my church building last Sunday looking around, thinking of all the laughs I've had in this ward, all the tears shed, all the friends that have become my family. The little girl that moved into this tiny apartment never could have dreamed of becoming this.

Over the three years there have been two cars, ten roommates, blown up grapes, lots of sleepovers, a few makeovers, bacon that was set 'almost' on fire, family that was lost, friends that were made, countless all nighters, Disney marathons, buckets of ice cream, dance parties, and roughly a billion lost bobby pins.

Nervous is a polite way of describing my feelings about this new adventure. A new career in hand, a new roof, and a sorta new car makes me a little uneasy but also incredibly excited about tomorrow!

With how I was raised, I refuse to say goodbye. It's too permanent. If someone is in my life, no matter the amount of time, I carry them with me for forever. The thought of never seeing someone again, of never hearing their laugh is unbearable. Even for this stupid apartment that I've lived in for too long, I won't say goodbye. I'll say hello to tomorrow and the happiness that awaits us all instead.

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